Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wedding Planners Dinner

Top: the planners from Celebrations Unlimited
Bottom: Tina Murphy from University of Maryland; Andrew Zill from Feats, Inc.; Heidi and Zozzie from Innovative Party Planners; Anne Berman from Anne Berman Events
A few weeks ago, The Pleasure of Your Company hosted a dinner for all the wedding and event planners in Baltimore. We've brought so many new things into the store for weddings and parties of all kinds and we wanted to show them off. Over the next few posts, we'll share all the new goodies with you.
If you have a wedding or other event coming up in 2011, we hope you engage one of these wonderful planners to help you - they always know the newest and the best and their talents and services make it a stress-free day for you.

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